heuristic ads Growth

We help high-ticket service-based businesses produce A consistently profitable ROI from paid advertising.

Stop wasting time and money on ineffective ad campaigns and outdated strategies.

Scale your business with high-quality lead generation and pre-qualification that blows up your sales.

Total Revenue Generated


  • $400,000+ in ad spend

  • 10 Clients Scaled

  • 3 streamlined services

  • 1 common goal

  • 0 non-sense

Our Philosophy

At Sigma Strategy, we work with top performers that produce superior results that are looking for a consistently profitable return on ad spend.

We do this by streamlining the delivery & removing the complexity that plagues most agencies.

Our clients sleep easy knowing they have an agency that works just as hard as they do. Perfecting their craft, becoming never-ending students in their niche, and delivering the benefits of our dedication to our loyal client base.

What we offer

Lead Generation

& Qualification

Paid Ads, emails/SMS, pre-qualification & appointment setting.

We focus on what we do best. Generating massive amounts of leads, nurturing those leads, and pre-qualifying them for your sales process. With extreme focus and diligence, we do this better than anyone else.

If you want an agency that offers a full-service solution that won't ever move the needle forward, we're not here for you.

If you want an agency that not only does what they preach, provides you with a clear breakdown of how much was spent, and how much revenue was generated from its campaigns - we're here for you.

Consistency Demands Focus...

We don't offer any other services except for Paid Ads, SMS & Email Pre-Qualification, And Sales Automation.

  • Web design

  • content creation

  • social media management

  • instagram growth

  • pr services

  • landing pages

Clients Trust Our Results


Jessy Mrozowski


Copywriting, Strategy, Client Relations, Sales.


Brett Bennie


Advanced Ad Strategies, Email Marketing, Automation.

Your Paid Ads Experts

Founded by Jessy Mrozowski & Brett Bennie, who's spent the past 3 years attracting top talent.

With our unconventional company culture, access to a global pool of talent, and a proprietary system for prequalifying that talent, we have our pick of the litter when it comes to hiring.

That talent is who you are partnering with at the end of the day, a team of specialists in their respective niches.

If you are looking for a team of generalists to deliver you every marketing service available, who over promise and under deliver, we are not them.

Basic Info
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Schedule your call with Jessy

Free 15-Minute Paid Ads Audit

Get a clear understanding of what steps your business can take to start generating predictable and reliable results with your paid ads and funnels.

Schedule a time that is convenient for you in Jessy's calendar, he's ready to show you exactly what you need to do.

This audit call is perfect for:

  • Businesses that want to convert their current website traffic into paying clients.

  • Businesses that understand the exponential revenue growth that comes with highly optimized paid advertising.

  • Businesses who want to take their business online.

  • Businesses looking to optimize their conversion rates & lead intake quality.

  • Businesses looking for a reliable paid ads partner who will make their company a top priority.

Have a general inquiry?

If you have a general inquiry and would like to speak to our founder, you can contact us via email at jessy@sigma.llc.

© Copyright 2023 - SIGMA STRATEGY CORP

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